Consumer Electronics Troubleshooting and Repair Handbook

Consumer Electronics Troubleshooting and Repair Handbook

repair guides when you can find everything you need in this one source? Homer L. Davidson's Consumer Electronics Troubleshooting & Repair Handbook makes it simple to diagnose and repair the latest--TVs and radios; VCRs; cassette decks; camcorders; compact disk players. With over 1400 illustrations and clearly explained steps, Homer L. Davidson, the most popular electronics author of all time, shows you exactly how to solve common problems that develop in the newest consumer electronics. Davidson takes you from seeing or hearing a symptom to returning the appliance to service the shortest, easiest, and most direct route. You'll discover the tools you need, the routine to follow, and everything necessary to make repairs quick, easy, and safe. You don't need a deep technical background or special skills. Even if you've never fixed so much as a toaster, this practical, hands-on guide will help you repair today's most sophisticated appliances, one step at a time.
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