Grammar Rules!:

Grammar Rules!:
 For Students, Parents, & Teachers : A Straightforward Approach to Basic English Grammar and Writing Skills

Grammar Rules!: For Students, Parents, & Teachers : A Straightforward Approach to Basic English Grammar and Writing Skills
Publisher: Garlic Press | 2002-01 | 250 pages | ISBN: 193082002X | 4.1 MB | Rapidshare&Megaupload

Four Levels Of English Vocabulary in Use
الاربع مستويات لتعليم الفكبلارى

Four Levels Of English Vocabulary in Use

Pack includes:

English Vocabulary in Use: Elementary.
English Vocabulary in Use: Pre-Intermediate to Intermediate.
English Vocabulary in Use: Upper-Intermediate to Advanced.
Business Vocabulary in Use: Intermediate to Upper-intermediate.

Key Features
• 66 easy-to-use units: vocabulary items are presented and explained on left-hand pages with a range of
practice exercises on right-hand pages.
• Presents and explains new words in context and shows learners how to use them.
• Contains a comprehensive, learner-friendly answer key.
• Colour illustrations and photographs.

Grammar with Laughter

Better English Teaching with this great book!!

Teaching English as a second language can be a drag. One too many dull and boring grammar lessons will take the purpose and motivation out of learning English. With this book the clever author has tied jokes with Grammar structures that has been a real hit with the majority of my students. Seeing what is absurd, as well as what is ironic in launguage, helps a foreign student understand the structures that are not grammar that make language what it is. I would recomend this book to Schools and individuals who teach English as a Foreign language. This author is a genius!

Pocket Oxford Dictionary (P.O.D)

The Pocket Oxford English Dictionary is the world's longest-established and best-selling pocket English dictionary. It is one of the new generation Oxford dictionaries derived from the database of the highly-acclaimed New Oxford Dictionary of English. With over 140,000 words, including phrases, derivatives and idioms in more than 30,000 definitions, it provides a comprehensive coverage of everyday English.


English Idioms: Exercises on Idioms !!!

English Idioms: Exercises on Idioms

Size - 1.3mb


Major new edition: fully-revised and up-to-date coverage of all the essential vocabulary of everyday life. Over 100,000 words, phrases, and translations: extensive coverage. Special treatment of key words: frequently-used words, which are the building blocks to learning the language, are given a special layout and usage notes to help users deal with them correctly.

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